Be Part of the New Community College!
You Can Renew Sunbury's Iconic Brownstone Building
An Exciting Moment!
While we don't have the commissioners' blessing yet, this should get their attention!
We need YOUR help to purchase 370 Market Street, Sunbury, PA!
The former Northumberland County Human Services Building is for sale and could be the launch site and administrative services location for the proposed Susquehanna Valley Community College. Although we aren't an official community college yet, we have offices and classes which we can transition to this location and several certificate (non-accredited) classes in the pipeline which can be launched here.
So far, our supporters have raised $155,000! Now we need your help to raise $45,000 by Friday, November 29, 2024.
Whether you give $25,000, $500, or a gift level of your own choosing, you will be part of this stepping stone in the creation of Our Own Community College for our region! We are still dedicated to a distributed model of class delivery and plan to meet students where they are in communities around the region, but we have to start somewhere!
Looking forward to moving the region ahead with your help!
Hank Baylor, President, Lenaire Ahlum, Executive Director, and the Board of the Susquehanna Valley Community Education Project
All gifts surpassing the initial goal will be dedicated to renovations, grant-matching funds, student certificate tuition or toward the community college endowment. Questions about our plans? Check out our website at or call us to set up a personal presentation.
Susquehanna Valley Community Education Project, Inc. is an approved
501(c)3 charitable, non-profit organization by the Internal Revenue
Service for the purpose of facilitating the establishment of a
Susquehanna Valley community college. Preparing to provide just-in-time trades education for the Susquehanna Valley Region.